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My leadership compilation video...sound on!

Primary classes 

All of these images are taken of my Pre-Primary Ballet/Jazz Classes.The average age in this class is 3-4 year olds and they always keep me on my toes, which is why they are my favourite classes to teach. This picture best represents my leadership style since it highlights the class that is the most unpredictable. Being a statistical 5/5 leader allows me to react differently depending on the situation, which is very advantageous within this context. For example, yesterday 3 students in this class were crying because they missed their mom, one child slipped and fell, and one student had an accident on the floor, all in half an hour. I of course had to ditch my original lesson plan and tend to these situations while also managing the other 10 students in this class. Being given the opportunity to teach such young dancers has allowed me to heal my younger self within a dance context. Growing up, I have experienced a lot of negative dance teachers that have drained my passion for dance, which is another place where my mission statement stems from. I consistently strive to teach like the teacher I wish that I had growing up.


All of these images were taken during my dancers past competition season. I was so proud of all of my students for their successes and it was such a fulfilling experience as a dance teacher. During competition, I am required to complete a lot of tasks such as warm up students, check them in, support my dancers backstage, playing their music, and keeping schedule, all while managing the dancers in an orderly fashion. These images represent my adaptive leadership style by representing all of the different situations that I face throughout these busy weekends. My statistical 5/5 leadership style becomes the most evident when attending to different dancers with different needs. For example, some of my students are easily stressed and require more personal support to succeed, whereas other students are more independent and don’t require as much guidance. Some students need to be with me right up until the moment they walk on stage, and some need to be by themselves with their headphones. Not only does my leadership style help to recognize these child’s preferences, but it also helps me to accept a wide range of “pre-performance” behaviours. 

Here are some more pictures that gives insight into my life as a dance teacher and leader.

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